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Free Gracie University Access

For All GRACIE DURHAM Students* was created to give students all over the world the opportunity to advance their skills from home through a fully-interactive online Gracie Jiu-Jitsu curriculum of unparalleled structure and detail.


To provide the most complete learning experience for all our students, all active students at all Gracie Academy Certified Training Centers around the world are issued free access!


Your online access will mirror the live course you are participating in (Gracie Combatives®, Master Cycle®, Gracie Bullyproof®, etc.).

PLUS – Free Training at All Certified Training Centers*


When you’re a student at one Certified Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Training Center (CTCs) you’re a student at all Certified Training Centers. With established CTCs all over the world, training doesn’t have to stop when you leave your hometown.


When you reach your destination simply log on to to see if there are any CTCs nearby. If so, simply walk in and tell the receptionist you are a “CTC Family Member,” and once they verify your membership status online, you can jump into any class at no charge!

* To verify that you qualify for “CTC Family Membership,” and to initiate your privileges, please call us today!
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